
Registering a Cochrane review

Cochrane Review Groups are responsible for registering Cochrane reviews. Cochrane Nutrition is a Cochrane Field and not a Cochrane Review Group, therefore we do not directly register and oversee individual Cochrane reviews. As a Field, we help with the production and dissemination of Cochrane reviews related to nutrition.

If you wish to author a Cochrane review, check the list of Cochrane Review Groups to identify the Review Group that is relevant to your topic. Also check the Cochrane Library and the Review Group website to see if a review or protocol on your topic already exists. If it appears that there is not already a registered Cochrane review, contact the Managing Editor of the Review Group for more information.

Other resources

  • Lawrence M, Wingrove K, Naude S and Durao S. Evidence Synthesis and Translation for Nutrition Interventions to Combat Micronutrient Deficiencies with Particular Focus on Food Fortification. Nutrients 2016, 8, 555; doi:10.3390/nu8090555.